In recent years, I've had a strange problem, which I'm confused about. Yes, I have a very rare disease, which is not physical, but psychological. When it comes to mental problems, the first thing you think of is surely neuropathy, emotional illness, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and so on. But in fact, there are various divisions in the mind.
而我得的一种毛病,是不被医学界公认的,可是这个世界上面也的的确确存在这这样的毛病,让人百思不得其解,是的,这种毛病就是考试恐惧症。这还是一个奇奇怪怪的名字,让人有些哭笑不得的感觉。毕竟啊,在很多正常的人的眼底,考试都是十分正 ……此处隐藏201个字……view crazily before the exam for about an hour or two, there will be no problem. I feel that the burden in my heart is very heavy, but I don't know when I will put it down gently. Instead, I feel that my heart is very relaxed, because all the things I am going to do have been finished. My heart is always much more comfortable, and the feeling of anxiety and tension has been relieved.
Finally, test anxiety in my self-treatment again and again, slowly better. After that, I think, what can I worry about in the exam? At ordinary times, I study hard and review carefully before the exam. Naturally, the burden in my heart will be lighter and lighter.